
Junior Varsity Letter

If you are a 8th or 9th grade student in the martial arts (all ranks and experience) or a 10th through 12th Grade student with less than 2 years martial arts experience then you should apply for a Junior Varsity Letter. Click above on the About VMAL tab where you will find answers to the most frequent questions.

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Varsity Letter

If you are a 10th through 12th Grade student with 2 or more years martial arts experience then you should apply for a Varsity Letter. Click above on the About VMAL tab where you will find answers to the most frequent questions.

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Collegiate Letter

If you are a continued education student with 2 or more years martial arts experience then you should apply for a Collegiate Varsity Letter. Click above on the About VMAL tab where you will find answers to the most frequent questions.

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My VMAL application was already submited and I need to Provide Payment (click here).

To review the VMAL Program Requirements (click here)

Sponsorship and Donations

Continued growth in education and community development occurs through constant effort in a positive direction with support from sponsorships aand donations. Sponsorhsip in the Varsity Martial Arts Leauge is open for review and acceptance. Please contact You may support the VMAL or TEMAS by making a donation (click here) at or by mail.